All of the leading kinesiology tape brands utilize a hypoallergenic acrylic adhesive that is applied to the back of the tape in a wave or tread
pattern. The effect is that of ‘ridges’ of adhesive that adhere to the skin, with small troughs in between to channel away moisture. As the body
moves, the ridges of adhesive pull lightly on the skin’s surface, setting up a sensory neuro-feedback loop that is responsible for the dramatic
pain relief benefits associated with kinesiology taping. While the vast majority of kinesiology tape users never experience skin reactions, this
pulling action may be enough to generate redness or itching in individuals with very sensitive or fragile skin. Other individuals with fragile skin
may do fine while the tape is on, but experience problems from damage to skin cells when the tape is removed. True allergic reactions to kinesiology
tape are rare, but some rashes come from simple skin irritation. Following are some of the most common causes and solution:
1. Too much stretch in the tape – When kinesiology tape is applied with a great amount of stretch, it pulls on the skin as it attempts to contract back to its unstretched state. If only a small piece of tape is being used, this doesn’t usually create a problem. When larger areas of skin are covered with extremely stretched tape, however, the potential for irritation or even blistering is much greater.
Solution – Be careful not to overstretch the tape when you apply it. Kinesiology tape is already stretched 25% on the paper backing, so an effective
stretch can be achieved even when applying with “tape off tension.” In general, the larger the area being taped, the less additional stretch is
necessary during application
2. Applying stretch to the anchor ends – The anchor ends of the tape are the final 1-2″ of every strip. When these ends are stretched during application, they will pull on the skin with every movement. After a period of time, this can cause redness and irritation.
Solution – Regardless of the amount of stretch used in each strip of tape, the final 1-2″ should always be applied with absolutely no stretch.
3. Hair follicle irritation in unshaved areas – The benefits of kinesiology taping are achieved via direct contact between the tape and the skin. A properly applied kinesiology tape application provides continual sensory input on the skin’s surface. If the taped area has significant amounts of hair, this sensory stimulation is transmitted to the hair follicles, which can become irritated.
Solution – Clip excess amounts of hair before applying kinesiology tape.
4. Skin irritation in freshly shaved areas – Shaving removes the uppermost layer of skin, exposing fresh skin for the first time. Because this skin hasn’t had time to “toughen,” it is more easily irritated, especially if the area is not shaved regularly.
Solution – To avoid hair follicle irritation from shaving, try clipping the hair close to the skin rather than shaving. Clipping leaves the top
layer of skin intact, decreasing the likelihood of irritation.
If the above precautions have been taken and skin irritation persists, the following products have been found to be helpful when applied to
the skin prior to taping: Liquid Milk of Magnesia, Benadryl Itch Stopping Gel, Maalox, and Tens Clean Coat Skin Wipes.